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Scandale antidémocratique aux Philippines :
Le prix nobel alternatif Nicanor Perlas ne peut pas se présenter aux élections présidentielles 3 jours pour agir !
3324 participants
3324 participants ont écrit à ambaphilparis@wanadoo.fr. ,chairman@comelec.gov.ph.La commission officielle philippine COMELEC n'a pas retenu la candidature de Nicanor Perlas aux élections présidentielles.
Ses motifs sont totalement fallacieux :
-- Nicanor n'est pas un "candidat nuisible" de mauvaise foi ou dangereux : c'est bien le contraire. Depuis 35 ans , c'est une personne active de manière non-violente, dans la société civile, qui agit sur les plans écologiques et sociaux .Il agit contre la pauvreté, pour l'éthique, pour une société plus saine, plus humaine et plus écologique
-- Nicanor a les capacités de se présenter aux élections . C'est une personnalité d'envergure internationale, qui a reçu le prix nobel alternatif en 2003, et plusieurs autres hautes distinctions internationales et nationales. Fort d'une implication sans faille dans de multiples réseaux de la société civile, il est en train de construire un nouveau parti, loin des partis traditionnels gangrénés par l'argent, le clanisme et le clientélisme.
*En réalité, Nicanor Perlas est une personnalité visionnaire de la trempe de Nelson Mandela, Vaclav Havel ou Barak Obama.* Ses conceptions de la tri-articulation sociale, du développement durable authentique, des relations entre les sphères culturelles, politiques et économiques sont importantes non seulement pour les Philippines mais pour le monde. L'échec de Copenhague est d'ailleurs là pour montrer qu'il nous faut plus renouveler nos pratiques , nos pensées et nos institutions.
Les réactions internationales peuvent obliger les Philippines à intégrer Nicanor Perlas dans la liste de ceux qui peuvent se présenter
--faites circuler cette information dans tous vos réseaux
Au nom de la démocratie, au nom des idéaux défendus par Nicanor Perlas, merci
Contact : Frédéric Vanpoulle, vice-président de "Culture Bio"
ps 1 / l'association "Culture Bio" organisatrice du salon "Ille et Bio" ( 16500 visiteurs) diffuse cet appel car elle connaît bien Nicanor Perlas qui est venu en Bretagne en octobre 2003 et juillet 2008.
Alain Uguen Association Cyber @cteurs
voici le texte anglais d'un appel international plus complet avec d'autres liens internet
Election Commission seeks to prevent green candidate Nicanor Perlas from Presidential election
17 December 2009
Nicanor Perlas’ right to enter the election contest for president of the Philippines has been canceled by COMELEC, the commission on elections, an administrative body of the Philippines government, under a “nuisance candidate” provision.
THIS IS A REAL BLOW TO ONE OF THE MOST HOPEFUL POLITICAL DEVELOPMENTS ON THE PLANET TODAY. A world-class social visionary who has devoted his life to understanding and furthering the path of healthy social development in his country, often at risk to his own life, is being removed from consideration because he is supposedly not serious. In fact, he is too serious. PLEASE READ FURTHER AND THEN TAKE ACTION TO LET PHILIPPINE OFFICIALS KNOW THAT THE WORLD IS WATCHING!!
Since nearly one hundred people have put themselves forward as candidates, there is obviously some need to reduce confusion and ensure that candidates of serious purpose are not lost in a sea of unknown names. This is also the first election for the Philippine presidency in which voting will be automated.
The applicable Philippine law defines nuisance candidates as follows:
“Nuisance candidates - The Commission may, motu proprio [on its own motion] or upon a verified petition of an interested party, refuse to give due course to or cancel a certificate of candidacy if it shown that said certificate has been filed to put the election process in mockery or disrepute or to cause confusion among the voters by the similarity of the names of the registered candidates or by other circumstances or acts which clearly demonstrate that the candidate has no bona fide [good faith] intention to run for the office for which the certificate of candidacy has been filed and thus prevent a faithful determination of the true will of the electorate.”
Perlas is an insurgent candidate who is creating his own political party and running against the whole system of “trapos,” traditional politicians, under which wealth and family are the primary determinants of electoral success.
Does Perlas qualify as a “nuisance” under the Philippine law?
Is he aiming “to put the election process in mockery or disrepute”? NO, just the opposite.
Is he trying to “cause confusion” by some means? NO, there is no name similarity, and his bona fide intention is clearly stronger not weaker than other candidates.
Is he incapable of winning because he has no established party behind him? NO, he has been successfully building a grass-roots party and campaign that promises to make his candidacy well known in time for the election.
Does Perlas perhaps qualify as a “threat” to the Philippine establishment, to which any government commission will be privately if not publicly accountable? YES, Nicanor Perlas is an internationally recognized authority on sustainable development of national economies—and this is a threat to all those who are merely going through the motions of public service while diverting government resources to themselves, their families and cronies, and to corrupt business organizations.
There are only four days left until COMELEC makes a final decision. We must make our voices heard now!
EMAIL -- Add your personal knowledge, if relevant, and send this message to all globally and socially engaged persons you know.
PETITION -- Click on this link (http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/let-nick-runn ) and send a message directly to the Chairman of COMELEC.
PHONE -- Contact the consulate or embassy of the Philippines nearest you. Inform them that you are calling to protest the action of the Commission on Elections to prevent Nicanor Perlas from running for the presidency. Call your national representative (e.g., US Senator) and ask her or him to protest to the Philippine government. Call your foreign office (US, State Department) to protest.
MEDIA -- Contact the internet, cable, print, radio and tv news sources you know and ask them if they are covering the Perlas story. What’s the story? Perlas is the winner of the Right Livelihood Award, often called the “alternative Nobel Prize,” and is one of the best qualified candidates to lead a nation since Nelson Mandela or Vaclav Havel. An environmentalist and sustainability leader in politics, he is certainly the equal of Al Gore.
STAY IN TOUCH -- Follow the events by checking often with a news aggregator like Google News, by checking with Nicanor Perlas' official website, and by connecting to other concerned global citizens on the social site A People for Perlas.
Thank you for responding to this urgent situation,
John Beck (New York, USA)
Seth Jordan (Great Barrington, MA, USA)
Jannis Keuerleber (Herdecke, Germany)
Ulrich Morgenthaler (Stuttgart, Germany)
Prof. Dr. Christoph Strawe (Stuttgart, Germany)
Adrian Wagner (Freiburg, Germany)
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